The “Tea Tweak” That Gave Me My Body Back I’m 41, 5’7” and Just Reached 57… Staying Stuck at 80 for Years!!


Old me at 82

After playing volleyball through high school and college, I NEVER thought it would happen to me.
I never thought having a baby would stretch out my body so badly…and make it practically impossible to get my figure back.

I Tried Everything They Told Me to…But Nothing Worked

All my fit friends told me things like…
  • Drink more water
  • Take up running
  • Sign up for boot camp
  • ​Eliminate sugar & carbs
  • Try this protein powder
  • ​Cleanses & detoxes
  • ​Keto, Paleo, etc.
And absolutely NONE of it worked!
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New at 58

I Blamed Myself for Not Making Progress like Everyone Else

The worst part was watching friends and family post their fitness updates online.

It seemed like every week I’d watch them get leaner, happier, and more confident in their selfies…while I was sinking slowly into the depths.

Finally, I sent a private message to my old friend Pooja from college. She had always been naturally athletic like me…even when we used to pig out on pizza together.

Plus she had 4 kids!! And so when she posted pictures of herself going from 86 down to 58 and all the way down to 54 , I KNEW she was on to something.

And more than anything, I hoped she would tell me the REAL story behind her transformation…not like all those paid influencers online.

Sure enough, she replied immediately and told me about the “tea tweak” she started using just a few months before.

Just like me, she had tried COUNTLESS different workouts, diets, and supplements without any luck…

But this “tea tweak” was different – partially because it just took advantage of the natural metabolism-boosting compounds in everyday tea

You See, Weight Gain Has Nothing to Do With…

  • Restricting all the best food
  • How much exercise you do (or how intense)
  • Sugar, carbs, or even fats (yay bread!)
  • Thyroid or hormonal issues
  • ​Or even genetics and age…
Those are just convenient excuses for “health and fitness” experts selling products that DON’T WORK!

As long as we believe it’s OUR fault, they can keep selling us the same junk and the same empty promises.
But now, that’s to this “tea tweak” we can break the cycle!
I know because I tried it myself and it WORKS!

This 10-Second Daily “Tea Tweak” Has Allowed Me To…


Enjoy my delicious food without guilt
LOVE what I see in the mirror every day
Only stay as active as I want to (pretty much just slow walks on the beach…)
​Keep my hubby's eyes on ME!
​Escape the trap of endless workouts and diets that FAILED ME before…

I’m 41 Going on 24 – Join Me?

I finally feel like myself again…

I’m back in the same skinny jeans I used to love.

My husband can’t keep his hands off me…

And it feels like I found the “secret switch” I had back in my teens and twenties – where I just get to live my life and still enjoy the body I want.

I thank Pooja every time I see her for inspiring me and sharing the truth with me. She could have easily kept this to herself…but she didn’t.

And so now it feels like the only right thing to do is to SHARE what I know now!

So please, check out the article below. It’s the same one Pooja showed me back then and I PROMISE it’s worth the extra few minutes to read it.

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Results May Vary: the weight loss results testimonials are in no way a guarantee of results. Individual weight loss results, including amount and time, will vary. Whether genetic or environmental, it should be noted that food intake, rates of metabolism and levels of exercise and physical exertion vary from person to person. This means weight loss results will also vary from person to person.


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